
With my Shelby we went from trainer to trainer across Brisbane with him. Told not to come back, he was untrainable, dangerous, had fear aggression and should be surrendered. I was beside myself I had never given up on a dog. I contacted Ross and we drove Shelby to Rocky to stay for 8 wks. When we collected him you could see Shelby loved him, not sacred of him or fearful. Our family had 8 more wonderful years with him because of Ross and his training.
May be an image of dog and indoor

Lisa Hopson

I can’t begin to express my gratitude for you and your kindness and training you did with our 2 Syria and Rocky. With your male and our beautiful Syria we created many great litters of dogs that have gone to loving homes. Gaining knowledge of our mistakes and gained a long term friendship with you and your wife. Is Koda still with you or has she gone over the 🌈 .
Thank you 🙏🏻 🐾

Sandy Hedges

I cannot thank you enough for helping me train my strong-willed bordoodle fur baby! When I worked with you in 2000, our cocker spaniel Millie was a breeze to train. This lead me to incorrectly assume I was pretty great at training…. Add 22 years and one active, super intelligent bordoodle pup and I had to up-skill to give Oreo all she needed. There you were again, stretching my understanding of my strong-willed puppy. The best advice you gave me was to be determined, however strong she assert her personality, just be a tad more determine each time. The teenage puppy stage was intense and it was difficult to see to the other side, however, 12 months later Oreo is a DREAM dog! She is great company, obedient, superbly trained and my best friend. Thanks so much Ross.

Michelle Scheu

Wish we could clone you 🙂 I know Charlie my old red kelpie from Noosa RSPCA and I learnt so much from you Ross and your boys, forever grateful for the early years of our classes way back in the 90’s . I have bought and gifted so many of your hard cover books to friends over the years and have used your techniques with new dogs I have bred and shown. Enjoy your twilight years, the dog world is a better place because of you, thank you x Christine.

Christine Jordison

You are well respected Ross and have a natural affinity with canines. It’s an honour to be your friend and our lives have been enriched by your guidance and support with our dogs. Of course Sarge and Macy had a head start coming from you ♥️🤗🥰Always loved your classes and being with a walking encyclopaedia of doggy information who was also always keen to learn yourself. 🤗♥️

Beth Fagg

This book contains all the information you need to be able to train your dog in obedience. I trained under Ross Allan for many years and went on to serve in the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) K-9 unit as well as train utility and security dogs for commercial contracts. Great Xmas gift.

Ross Davidson

I was fortunate to attend Ross’s dog training sessions in Noosa with my rescue dog Red, a kelpie X. Red was given to the pound as he was a bad influence on their other dog. He was a puppy when they gave up on him. After my training with Ross Red could do all the basic commands by hand signal. No voice. Absolutely brilliant. One of the exercises is to ask your dog to stand or sit. You go out of sight for 10 mins and your dog stays in that position. It was truly a sight to see when I did this exercise in class. 7 to 8 dogs absolutely focused and everyone of them not moving until given the command. Thomas Muster was in my class back in the late 90’s. I had 14 amazing years with Red. He was an amazing dog and thanks to Ross and his training he reached his true potential. All I can say is I am testament to Obedience and Care made simple.
Thank you Samantha

Samantha Hazelgrove

I just wanted to say Thankyou to Ross Allan.
He helped me out with a troubled dog. What I really loved was that he taught me to think like a dog.
He really ‘gets’ the psychology of the animal and he applies that in his teachings.

I downloaded the e-books and read them & really enjoyed his stories. You learn valuable lessons and tricks to get the dogs doing what you want them to do.

Ross gave his hints on the dogs nutrition and some tips on supplements that do wonders for your dogs.
I have seven dogs and all have benefited from his advice.
My old Tibetan mastiff has turned a corner in her health, I honestly thought she was on her last legs…. Got some advice for Kimba from Ross and surprise, she’s up and about. I even caught her playing with one of my Lhasa Apsos. She hasn’t done that for years! Thanks Ross!

Often times I think , perhaps it’s us that needs to learn how to handle the dog. Perhaps we go along to the dogs lessons and we are the ones learning the tricks.

Ross has a unique way of thinking, to handle even the toughest and most difficult dogs. And yet he can help someone like me in a wheelchair to understand my doggy friend.

We have attended other obedience classes locally and they were ho-humm… I didn’t really see much value for money there. Yes I think positive teachings rewarding the dogs by treating them is fine until you are in a situation when your dog wants to run after the other dog on the beach , for example. You may call them, shake the treat bag, offer the rewards, but the dog is far more interested in what he wants. Blow the treat!
Ross teaches you how to get a connection with your dog so that the dog really wants to please you and hang off your every word.
He(the dog) truly wants to follow -for you-not the treat.
So once again , thanks Ross for your advise, your shared experiences and your care.

This man just loves dogs. It’s obvious. They have been his life.

Alison Brady

Alison Brady

Thanks for the book.  I’ve actually done a speed read through Pt 1 and checked the chapter headings in Pt 2, so pretty comfortable with my knowledge of the material and ability to answer anyone who questioned me over it.  I enjoyed it and was amazed at the depth of research material into dog care.
I have attached the tribute in word form.  Please let me know if it is too long or needs anything amended.


I recently read your FB post of 21/9/22 that included extracts from your E-Book: Dog Training; care &obedience made simple. I found the problems you identified enlightening when coupled with there medial action taken.

Your article included a couple of examples of inappropriate behaviour being exhibited by mydaughter’s 2 year old blue heeler, Max. He is a big strong dog. His bad behaviour is mainly directed at specific dogs (not all) he encounters on his walks around their neighbourhood. And in typical blue heeler fashion, he scares the life out of strangers coming to the house, although isn’t aggressive
towards anyone in the house. He can be playfully boisterous towards visitors and as there is now a new baby at home, he needs to learn some boundaries before his behaviour becomes a serious problem.
I have passed on your FB post to my daughter and hopefully she will explore it in depth and I will talk
to her about it on my next visit. I outlined to her that I knew you from my early days as a “doggie” at
Williamtown and how you had the top dog in the RAAF (Pal) when I arrived. I was in awe of some of the things that dog could do and really appreciated your efforts to assist me with training Rex in those early days of my career.
I only had 6 years as a doggie before changing over to RAAF Police and ultimately discharging as a Officer after 30 years service. I still have a great interest in the RAAF’s ongoing police and security roles, including the change and development of the military working dog capability.
I have both Pts 1 & 2 of your E-Book and find it fascinating relating it to my two dogs, a toy/miniature poodle cross and a maltese/shitzu cross (both 12) and the things I’ve know I’ve done wrong with them over the years. I’ll put that down to them being spoilt lap dogs.

You have obviously continued your lifelong interest in helping people get on track with their dogs.

Your book is a testament to your continued commitment to a holistic approach to the care, obedience and development of dogs. I look forward to following your future FB posts.


Geoff Price

Geoff Price