Michelle Scheu

I cannot thank you enough for helping me train my strong-willed bordoodle fur baby! When I worked with you in 2000, our cocker spaniel Millie was a breeze to train. This lead me to incorrectly assume I was pretty great at training…. Add 22 years and one active, super intelligent bordoodle pup and I had to up-skill to give Oreo all she needed. There you were again, stretching my understanding of my strong-willed puppy. The best advice you gave me was to be determined, however strong she assert her personality, just be a tad more determine each time. The teenage puppy stage was intense and it was difficult to see to the other side, however, 12 months later Oreo is a DREAM dog! She is great company, obedient, superbly trained and my best friend. Thanks so much Ross.

Michelle Scheu