Alison Brady

I just wanted to say Thankyou to Ross Allan.
He helped me out with a troubled dog. What I really loved was that he taught me to think like a dog.
He really ‘gets’ the psychology of the animal and he applies that in his teachings.

I downloaded the e-books and read them & really enjoyed his stories. You learn valuable lessons and tricks to get the dogs doing what you want them to do.

Ross gave his hints on the dogs nutrition and some tips on supplements that do wonders for your dogs.
I have seven dogs and all have benefited from his advice.
My old Tibetan mastiff has turned a corner in her health, I honestly thought she was on her last legs…. Got some advice for Kimba from Ross and surprise, she’s up and about. I even caught her playing with one of my Lhasa Apsos. She hasn’t done that for years! Thanks Ross!

Often times I think , perhaps it’s us that needs to learn how to handle the dog. Perhaps we go along to the dogs lessons and we are the ones learning the tricks.

Ross has a unique way of thinking, to handle even the toughest and most difficult dogs. And yet he can help someone like me in a wheelchair to understand my doggy friend.

We have attended other obedience classes locally and they were ho-humm… I didn’t really see much value for money there. Yes I think positive teachings rewarding the dogs by treating them is fine until you are in a situation when your dog wants to run after the other dog on the beach , for example. You may call them, shake the treat bag, offer the rewards, but the dog is far more interested in what he wants. Blow the treat!
Ross teaches you how to get a connection with your dog so that the dog really wants to please you and hang off your every word.
He(the dog) truly wants to follow -for you-not the treat.
So once again , thanks Ross for your advise, your shared experiences and your care.

This man just loves dogs. It’s obvious. They have been his life.

Alison Brady

Alison Brady