Geoff Price

I recently read your FB post of 21/9/22 that included extracts from your E-Book: Dog Training; care &obedience made simple. I found the problems you identified enlightening when coupled with there medial action taken.

Your article included a couple of examples of inappropriate behaviour being exhibited by mydaughter’s 2 year old blue heeler, Max. He is a big strong dog. His bad behaviour is mainly directed at specific dogs (not all) he encounters on his walks around their neighbourhood. And in typical blue heeler fashion, he scares the life out of strangers coming to the house, although isn’t aggressive
towards anyone in the house. He can be playfully boisterous towards visitors and as there is now a new baby at home, he needs to learn some boundaries before his behaviour becomes a serious problem.
I have passed on your FB post to my daughter and hopefully she will explore it in depth and I will talk
to her about it on my next visit. I outlined to her that I knew you from my early days as a “doggie” at
Williamtown and how you had the top dog in the RAAF (Pal) when I arrived. I was in awe of some of the things that dog could do and really appreciated your efforts to assist me with training Rex in those early days of my career.
I only had 6 years as a doggie before changing over to RAAF Police and ultimately discharging as a Officer after 30 years service. I still have a great interest in the RAAF’s ongoing police and security roles, including the change and development of the military working dog capability.
I have both Pts 1 & 2 of your E-Book and find it fascinating relating it to my two dogs, a toy/miniature poodle cross and a maltese/shitzu cross (both 12) and the things I’ve know I’ve done wrong with them over the years. I’ll put that down to them being spoilt lap dogs.

You have obviously continued your lifelong interest in helping people get on track with their dogs.

Your book is a testament to your continued commitment to a holistic approach to the care, obedience and development of dogs. I look forward to following your future FB posts.


Geoff Price
Geoff Price